Spring War '04
Quarterdeck AboveDecks Gallery Scuttlebutt


Potrero War
Great Western War
Estrella War
Rez War Design Notes

This Deck

Spring War '03
Spring War '04
Fall War '04


Significant Horizon's End Events

Camp happened despite relative absence of Cap'n and Quartermaster. Curteis was Rapier Steward & RMiC and spent the first day setting up the warfield. Karl was Parking Steward, and was only in camp to eat & sleep. And still we managed to setup camp without too many hiccups. Kudos to the crew!

First use of ship's Tables! 

Lazarus premiers new brews to much approval:
Arrogant Bitch pale ale
Dragon Stout
a Red Wine
and a Cream Soda for the Cap'n (hic)...

The Assassination attempt is brought to a quick anti-climax within 1/2 hour. Mattheus is waylayed whilst walking between camps. Cormac is gunned down by Lot with his own gun, but manages to return the favour. And Nafar ungraciously shoots Curteis in the head... (fortunately, the one place that would do no damage). Despite profuse bleeding and debilitating migraines for several months, Curteis survives the incident. But who knows what long term effects he may be suffering...

Tink is brought aboard as a Midshipman.
Duncan is officially recognized as a Marine.

Following an exhausting 6 hours of marshalling and resolving petty complaints on the rapier field (He's not taking his shots! Why do WE have to stand in the sun? My leg's stuck in this gopher hole!), Curteis got gussied up for court and promptly fell asleep in his lounge chair. After encouraging folks to attend court cause "they never knew what might happen", it was Curteis that missed being called up for an award.

War Happenings

Rapier War - 4 hour Rez Battle (scenario design notes and comments)
Nearly 50 rapier fighters turned up for the first ever Open-Field Rapier War - 4 hours of continuous rapier combat, with multiple objectives, Powdermonkeys, Monks, and plenty to keep everyone busy for as long as they could stand. Originally scheduled for 10am-2pm, folks were still playing Capture the Flag until 4pm. There were some design glitches that needed straightening, and a few on-field issues that a more-experienced Marshal could have handled better, but overall everyone seemed to have an outstanding time. NB - Shade moves. Ensure that both bases will be in the shade during actual combat times (day), not just when the haybales are setup (evening)... 


Send mail to yeoman@horizons-end.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 09.30.2007
Unless otherwise noted, most pictures on this website are courtesy of Seti the Great